
Digital Romance

Carpe diem!

A small dedicated team of professionals, we have worked on hundreds of presentations, videos and streaming events…and we were tired of beings asked to prepare and present material in the same old tired and predictable manner. Since online meetings and streaming events became the de facto mode for communicating to audiences – both internal and external – we heard time and time again that people were “zoomed out” and drained. We decided enough is enough. Time to change the game.

So we did.

Digital Romance represents a new way of presenting information and building consensus. It recognizes both the limitations and advantages of the digital medium…and dares to play with them. We’re all about inclusive collaboration – working together with you to create something memorable – whether that something is a two-day company-wide brainstorm, or a one-hour virtual meeting. Our aim is to make your online events and digital meetings engaging, entertaining…even surprising. With the result that your information is communicated more clearly, shared more deeply and remembered for far longer.

We’ve been around the block a few times. We know what works and what doesn’t. We know to listen more than speak. And we know that Ego always gets in the way… When we take on a project, we’re there for you. 100%. In whatever way you need us to be (including white-labeling your digital services as part of your larger package).

We’re Passionate


Guy Price has had an ongoing love affair with storytelling and communications through writing and video production. Then, not very long ago, live streaming crossed his path, a new area for storytelling and communications yet to be fully explored together with partners.


A romantic at heart, Pete is creative, innovative and – above all – a pragmatic technical wizard. He approaches any issue that arises with a tender, loving hand, regarding them as ‘challenges’ rather than as problems. If you’re going to be stranded on a desert island, he’s the man you’d want to be stranded with.


Daniel’s passion for creating experiences that people love is truly eternal. A man who lives in the moment, he has dedicated his life to creating beautiful moments for others. Many moons ago, before he became a Communication Strategist, he worked in theatre and this training still informs his ideals of fantasy and connection stemming from that live medium.


Not only technically brilliant, Marcos is also a visual seducer, a graphical Casanova. His images and illustrations bring presentations to life and help make even the most complex information attractive and simple. His ingenious graphics can even be used to in live or pre-recorded videos, heightening both interest and understanding.


For your next online meeting or event, seduce don't summarize.

Add a little Digital Romance to your organization.